Mac Drill is a shareware companion to both Gradebook Plus and to Grade Machine (ver 4). It will read the rosters directly out of your Gradebook (v 6) Files, or it will import TEXT files from earlier versions or from Apple II versions of Gradebook Plus. This is a Gradebook Plus version, for a Grade Machine version, contact "The Boom" (see below for address & phone).
(If you are using the Gradebook Plus Demo disk, you will need to import the rosters as TEXT files as the data structure is different in the demo).
Mac Drill is the super-fun, high tech review game that our science department uses on a regular basis. It will randomly call upon the kids by displaying their names in large font on the computer screen. Review lists may be entered into the computer in advance. The computer will then display a question and then call upon a student to answer it.
Mac Drill also can be used to randomly select project, cooperative learning, or lab groups of kids. They don't argue with "Lord Apple".
To install:
If you are not using Gradebook Plus or Grade Machine, just drag the Mac Drill icon onto your hard disk. Or use the program "on disk".
If you are already using a Mac version of Gradebook Plus or Grade Machine, drag the Mac Drill icon into your Gradebook folder. DO NOT drag the "Gradebook Files" into the folder as it may overwrite your existing rosters.